Loveday, Thomas
HistoryThomas Loveday is South Australian born and educated and comes from a family of architects. He studied Architecture at the South Australian Institute of Technology and graduated in 1985. In 1987 he worked as a tutor at the University of Adelaide and from 1987 to 1994 as a tutor and occasional lecturer in design and graphics at the University of South Australia. Profession experience has included salaried work with architectural firms of Brown and Falconer, Hannaford, Nelson and Dawson, 2HM and his father, Jim Loveday. In 1988 to 1989 he had his own practice. Tom has exhibited his oil paintings with the Royal Australian Society of Arts of which he is an Associated Member and in 1993 became the Convenor of their Life Drawing Group. He also plays and teaches the classical guitar. In March 1994, Tom moved to Sydney to take up a position as Lecturer in Design at the University of Technology.